Sunday 8 January 2012

Saturday Night 08/01/12

I hate it... when depression hits you like a slap in the face. I've been great for a few weeks now all of a sudden I feel crappy.Urgh, why does this happen? 
Well to savour my craving for kitkats, I had one.. well maybe eight... tonight and I feel sick. I didnt want them all I just... meh I dunno, greedyness comes into it right? Or is it? Maybe I just wanted something to make me feel better but it backfired and made me feel worse. Well I've learnt my lesson. Hope weigh in this week isnt too bad. But we will see. 
I'm feeling lonely, yeah think thats it. Lonely, fat and unloved. I'm on the verge of crying and feeling more than slightly sorry for myself. 
I hope this is a phase that doesnt last too long, I really hate feeling like this.
That huge hole I see myself in... well I feel like I'm slipping back into it. 
Anyway, enough... Night guys.