Thursday, 14 June 2012

6 stone weight loss - HELL YEAH!

So yesterday I finally got my 6 stone weight loss award, this has spurred me on to do much more. People I know, look at me and tell me how much better I look, and slimmer, and healthier but I just don't see it myself. I mean I notice in my clothes but if I look in the mirror I look the same as I did 2 years ago.
Losing weight isn't easy, its not meant to be, I mean I've fallen of the hypothetical wagon a few times, it happens. I wish it was easy then we'd all be slim and looking great but then it wouldn't be fun getting on the scales each week. Yes, I love getting on the scales, even when I've had a bad week, sometimes you can be surprised.
I know some people are pretty gutted when they worked so hard and haven't lost anything, but you need to keep at it, try not to get disheartened, I know its hard but some things can't be helped.

Ok so as I said a few days ago I want to do a bit of ranting so if you don't want to read it, skip to the end.

Le Rant:
I hate I hate I hate how fickle and stupid some people are, I get that a lot of people aren't interested in losing weight and are happy how they are (I mean really... are they?). But don't flaunt it all over TV and in the newspapers; You make the rest of us, who are working hard, look bad.
Take for instance: A woman who is having a wedding dress made and needs 45ft of material - yet she's so happy about her size (I think its 36 stone atm) that she's wanting to get to 115 stone to 'beat' the world record. WHAT?!? What about your health? Seriously people are silly. She can't honestly be serious. 
Then there is the woman who accidentally smothered a kitten because it got lodged in her fat, now this woman want to lose weight. Poor kitty! :(
I just don't understand it and it makes me so mad. As most of you know I have this 'social phobia' illness. I won't go to busy places and I won't go out on my own. Its hard to really explain why I feel like I can't but I'll try:
In my head, people look at me and see a tall, ugly, fat girl. They whisper and giggle about it. Some even shout names across the road. I hate people looking at me, I hate what goes through my head thinking about what goes through their's. Part of me knows they probably aren't thinking anything, or laughing at me but its the other part that wins the battle, so I panic and have to leave. I had laser eye surgery because I didn't want to be the tall, ugly, fat girl with glasses. 
So the reason why news articles and TV shows that show 'fat' people and tell us how much they eat, annoy me, is because I feel that people look at me and think I'm the same as them. But I'm not. If I ate 10 pieces of toast in a morning followed by 2 chocolate bars, I honestly think I'd die. But people on the outside don't see that and I can hardly wear a t-shirt saying 'Hey I'm not the same as on TV and I've lost 6 stone so far' can I? So it is hard for me and I do probably get a bit more annoyed than I should, but that's just me.

Right, so the last few months have been challenging; I'm trying to beat my depression and weight loss AND social phobia. Eventually it will all slot into place though. I joined the gym recently and I've actually been! I do go out a bit more than I used too, I spend less time at the PC. Its all about the baby steps.
It makes me happy to think people are being so supportive and it spurs me on to reach me target. A few people have been my lifelines and put up with all my drama! 
I'd just like to thank everyone who reads this and the people who inspire me to do better (you guys know who you are).

*Hugs and loves*

'till next time.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Update and a promise.

Right so, been kinda slacking on this front I really need to get back to it.
Since my last blog I've managed to hit my 6 stone weight loss. I have decided that 10 stone may not be enough so now am setting my sights on 15 stone in total. 
Recently (as of last week), I have joined the dreaded G word (gym), although it wasn't as bad as I thought (well who is about at 6am really?).
The classes I'm taking part in are: Yoga, Aqua Zumba and Aqua tone then going to the gym in between. I do feel so much healthier and my skin feels better.
Tomorrow I will give you all a bit of my ranting but I'm too tired tonight.

Love you all. xx

Ps: The promise is to keep this thing updated!!!