I know a lot of people think that every overweight person is overweight because they eat to much. Like those programmes you see on tv where a 50stone woman eats like 2 loaves of bread for breakfast then an hour later eats 10 chocolate bars as a snack. We really aren't all like that. Some people have real medical problems or a slow metabolism. Admittedly there are people that eat so much it makes you feel sick when you hear about it. But I'm not one of those people and as far as I know I don't have a medical problem. I'm just overweight.
My biggest problem is not eating breakfast and not eating enough as strange as it sounds. I do have days where I want to binge on junk but I'm happy to say those days are gone, mostly now I binge on fruit!.
I think one of the main problems with people losing weight is their mindset - if your mind isn't in it there is just no point in trying, especially if you know you'll just give up. I'm not saying 'don't try', I mean everything is worth trying but if you know going to slimming clubs and the gym is just a passing phase, don't bother, save your money and wait until you are in the frame of mind to do it.
Personally speaking, I am in the mindset now where I want to do it, for me, no one else. I'm tired of walking into shops and picking out the biggest sizes, not being able to choose the clothes I actually like and settling for ones with sparkly bits on (what is it with bigger size clothes shops and sparkly clothing...seriously?). I'm tired of walking down the street and feeling that everyone is staring at me, thinking I must be one of those people who eat two loaves of bread for breakfast and eat chocolate until it comes out of my ears. I'm tired of feeling unhealthy and tired all the time and of also being shut in because I'm too scared to go out.
The amount of weight I've lost so far is great, a lot of people tell me so, and I know its true. But those strangers on the street still laugh and stare, sometimes I just feel like throwing my slimming book at them and screaming LOOK WHAT I'VE DONE!. People tell you that you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks, says or does. But sometimes its hard to turn a blind eye. I'm hoping one day I can say 'Hey look at me, I was that 26stone girl you used to laugh at... look at me now'
And for those who worry about joining slimming clubs, do it, I got the confidence to finally walk in there (thanks to Linda) and I've never looked back, there are some amazing people and the support you get is fantastic. But you need to stick at it, go every week and stay for the meetings - you learn so much and no matter how much weight you lost/gained that week, the support is still there.
Every wednesday I feel like I'm walking into a group of friends. And the day you walk into a clothes shop and realise you don't need the biggest size, is the best feeling in the world.
Try it.